Ryan C.
15 years old

Last Login: 4/25/2007
Mood: amused Mood Image
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   Contacting Ryan

   Ryan's Interests
General Fully messing around with this
Music Endless, Nameless
Movies Once upon a time
Television Not often
Books Lots of 'em
Heroes KDC | RMW | VVN | me

   Ryan's Details
Status: In a Relationship
Here for: Friendship
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Education: Hi - Mi - Tsu

Pick a Color
Black Blue Brown Gold Default Navy Pink Red

Step-by-Step Instruction:

I should be able to type whatever I want here without having to worry about any strange editor behavior. Preserve a copy of this with the html generator present, so that you can mine it when you're up to the task (later).

 Ryan's Blurbs

About me:

Not much to say right now. This will be ripped from a text file someday.

Who I'd like to meet:

Real People

   Ryan's Friend Space (Top 5)
Ryan has 5 friends.

   Ryan's Friends Comments

Jul 28 2008 9:02 PM

I am Tom, and I will be keeping an eye on you. Here is a list of things you need to do:

- Double check the order of comments as well; I'm sure the newest would have displayed on the top.
- One of your level up checkpoints will be to make the original, white and blue account layout from scratch and replace 'default' with it.
- Was comment text centered or justified?


Jul 28 2008 9:27 PM

I can not be killed. I am Tom from MySpace. I am dancing. I can never die.

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