Ubuntu Mate Setup
[2020-12-04 Fri]

Step 1: Install Ubuntu Mate

Most recently (as of [2020-12-04 Fri]) I installed Ubuntu Mate 20.04 from a flash drive (DataStick Pro by Centon, 4GB).

  • From the installer, select minimal install.
  • Turn off proprietary extras
    • On my hp pavillion HPE desktop, this step was necessary or installation would fail. I'm not sure why but it might not be required in the future. Be aware.
    • I keep a partition with some terabyte of data on my desktop; be sure to install the OS to the proper partition, which should be labelled as such in the partition list.
  • Click Erase disk and install Ubuntu Mate
  • Choose your timezone and contine.
> NAME: ryan
> COMPUTER NAME: ryan-VirtualBox
  • Restart to continue.

Step 2: Set up ssh / git

You need to set up ssh to clone the repository containing my config files. This can be done by downloading and running the script saved publicly on github:

> wget https://ryanac23.github.io/linux/files/dclip-setup.sh
> chmod +700 dclip-setup.sh
> ./dclip-setup.sh

This script will run apt to install git and xclip, one of which is necessary to clone the config repository. After setting up ssh in ~/.ssh (by default), the contents of id_rsa.pub will be copies to your clipboard by xclip, and the GitHub homepage will open in the default browser, which is most likely Firefox. Sign in and add this ssh key before pressing enter as the script prompts. If done correctly, it will now clone my config files to ~/repos/rac_dotfiles. Move to that directory to contine.

  • nb) This is a good time to set up your global git settings.
> git config --global user.email [email]
> git config --global user.name  [name]

Installed in this section:

  1. xclip: Not as essential as it is convenient, this will allow you to auto copy idrsa.pub for quick ssh action. The script runs the following command:
> cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | xclip -selection c
  • git: You'll need this to get your repos!

Step 3: Install Packages

To install packages with a script, navigate to ~/repos/rac_dotfiles/setup_docs. The install script needs to be run as sudo, to loop through packages to install from /rac_dotfiles/packages/*.csv.

  • NB) If you aren't the author running this script on his personal machines, you will need to edit this script first. at the top of the document, change USER=ryan to the name of your account.
> cd ~/repos/rac_dotfiles/setup_docs/
> sudo ./packageinstall.sh

This script does a number of things:

  1. Checks if it's being run as root.
  2. Asks if you'd like to run sudo apt upgrade, and does so if you confirm.
  3. Asks if you'd like to run the full package install or only the core. The packages will be discussed in the next section.

3b) If full was selected, the Google-Chrome installer is also downloaded from the internet, and installed. Additionally, Dropbox will be set up. Full takes much longer than core, mostly due to the massive texlive-full, particularly its font files.
3c) Conda should be installed as well, but I have not added that to these scripts yet.

  1. Asks if you'd like to run apt upgrade and apt autoremove, then ends the script.

Change git and hg default editor

Now that git and emacs are installed, you can configure the default editor.

> git config --global core.editor "emacs -nw -Q
		-load ~/.emacs.d/light_init.el"

Manually get Chrome

In case you don't want to use the script but also don't want to use a mouse:

> wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
> sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Step 4: Sync configuration files

Now run the config script.

> ./dotfiles_util.sh

You should not be root (but don't worry, the script will end if you are). This script, somewhat redundantly if the previous steps have been followed, checks for the repos/dotfiles directory and clones it if it cannot be found. It then symlinks four directories to $HOME:

  • ~/.emacs.d
  • ~/.urxvt
  • ~/bin
  • ~/.guayadeque

It then copies four files to $HOME:

  • ~/.bashrc
  • ~/.bashaliases
  • ~/.tmux.conf
  • ~/.Xresources

For the penultimate step, the repository's copy of the .config directory is merged with the one present at $HOME. This will change the gtk theme and many other settings; a restart will be required for these to come into effect.

Finally, the script will copy three backgrounds from Dropbox to various locations. The background in /usr/share/... is for the login screen, and the other two are wallpapers to be set depending on my mood or machine.

> ~/.config/backgrounds/{desktop_wall.jpg,laptop_wall.png}
> /usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-common/login.png

The setup is now complete.

Extra: Old Notes

Nvidia screen tearing fix

  • I had to enable line-out audio on my desktop. This may not be an issue elsewhere.
  • Screen tearing with NVIDIA graphics card:

    • Open Nvidia X Server Settings > X Server Display Configuration > Advanced >

    Force Full Composition Pipeline > Save to X Configuration File >
    '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'; or

  • nvidia-settings –assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select
    +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"


This gave me a live updating LaTeX environment in vim. It worked well, but I've switched to working in chunks and away from vim. If this is your work style, give it a shot:

> sudo apt install texlive-full mupdf xdotool
# if Vim8, default package manager is fine
> cd .vim/pack/rac/start/
> git clone https://github.com/ying17zi/vim-live-latex-preview.git
> add ~/.vim/pack/rac/start/vim-live-latex-preview/bin to $PATH
# vim copy register
> sudo apt install vim-gtk3
  • If gvim is present (graphical vim) then a new register is unlocked. Copy to this special

register with "+yy. After that, it should be on your main clipboard.

Python / Miniconda

> mkdir ~/data/apps
> cd ~/data/apps
> wget "https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/
> bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
  • install in ~/data/apps/miniconda

Install minimal miniconda in base env, then make new environments for projects as necessary.

> conda update -y conda
> conda update -y --all
> conda list

Now make new environments with ipykernel, including a base jupyter environment.
The jupyter environment MUST include nbconda, and all others NEED ipykernel.

> wget "https://anaconda.org/mforbes/jupyter/
> conda env create --file environment.jupyter.yml
> conda create -n py3
> conda activate py3
> conda install ipykernel numpy matplotlib scipy
> conda deactivate

This should now give you a jupyter server environment with py3 as a kernel option.
At the end of any massive install session:

> conda update -y conda
> update -y --all
> clean -p --dry-run
> clean -p -y

Extra: dpkg results

In an ipython session:

from IPython.display import HTML
def show(res):
    return HTML('<pre style="font-size: 6pt;line-height: normal;">{
res = !dpkg -l | grep ii

See one of the dated links below for a comprehensive list of packages.