
Table of Contents



Link Notes Tags Date
Feynman: The Hughes Lectures   :Feynman: <2024-06-25 Tue>
Useful code to rip off   :python: <2022-08-17 Wed>


Link Notes Tags Date
Hamilton's Equations in Thermodynamics   :physics: <2021-09-27 Mon>
Woit - Presumptuous Blogging   :physics:stringtheory: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Martin Rees Interview ('Presumptuous Woit')   :physics: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Woit - Why String Theory is Still Not Even Wrong   :physics:stringtheory: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Thermodynamics Fermi - Solutions   :physics:thermo: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Dimensions of Color   :physics: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Directory of Science Explanations   :physics: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Feynman Lectures   :physics: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Ising Model 2D   :physics: <2021-09-01 Wed>
What is the lie group of gravity?   :gravity: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Sprott Circuits   :chaos: <2021-09-01 Wed>
CNOT quantum computing intro   :quantumComputing: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Folklore - On Apple's Macintosh   :Apple: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Database of Free Tech Books   :books:programming: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Assayer - Ebook and PDF Directory {old}   :books: <2020-09-13 Sun>
20 Lessons on Academic Work   :nuggets: <2020-09-13 Sun>

Physics - QFT

Link Notes Tags Date
Sidney Coleman QFT Lectures   :physics:QFT: <2020-09-13 Sun>
HFB Energy   :physics:QFT: <2020-09-13 Sun>
MultiConfigurational Slater Terminology   :physics:QFT: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The West Coast Metric is the Wrong One   :physics:QFT: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Skinner - QFT Notes   :physics:QFT: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Useful QFT integrals   :QFT: <2021-09-01 Wed>


Link Notes Tags Date
Vladimir Arnold   :math: <2020-09-13 Sun>
John Hagelin - Raja of Invincible America, president of the US Peace Government, and String Theorist   :physics:stringtheory: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Bogdanov Affair   :physics:scandal: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Steven Weinberg Obit   :physics: <2021-09-01 Wed>

Monte Carlo

Link Notes Tags Date
Probability Distributions Compared   :mc: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Markov Chains in Python   :statistics:python: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Minimal PIMC For SHO   :physics:python: <2020-09-13 Sun>

Programming {General}

Link Notes Tags Date
JSON Homepage   :JSON: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Taco Bell Programming   :programming: <2020-09-13 Sun>
datagubbe - Blog and Info Page   :programming: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet   :programming: <2020-09-13 Sun>
0.30000000000000004 - Floating Point Math   :math:programming: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Computational Structures Course   :programming: <2020-09-13 Sun>
CUDA dev page   :programming: <2021-09-01 Wed>


Link Notes Tags Date
Sacha Chua's Emacs Config   :emacs: <2020-09-13 Sun>
C++ IDE in Emacs   :emacs:c: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Ibuffer Tips   :emacs: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Planet Emacs Life   :emacs: <2021-09-01 Wed>


Link Notes Tags Date
Computational Statistics   :python:statistics: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Poetry - Python Package Manager   :python: <2020-09-13 Sun>


Link Notes Tags Date
CUDA C++ Guide   :C: <2021-03-04 Thu>
Pointers and Memory   :C: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Obfuscated C Code Contest   :C: <2021-09-02 Thu>


Link Notes Tags Date
Unix Toolbox   :Unix: <2020-09-13 Sun>


Link Notes Tags Date
LaTeX Equation Editor   :LaTeX: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Bourbaki Dangerous Bend Symbol   :math: <2021-09-02 Thu>


Link Notes Tags Date
2D Distance Functions   :math: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Aliasing Demo   :math: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Signs a Math Breakthrough is Wrong   :math: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Frédéric ÉLIE pages   :math: <2021-09-02 Thu>

Web Design

Link Notes Tags Date
W3schools HTML Examples   :html: <2020-09-13 Sun>
CSS Tooltip Demo   :css: <2020-09-13 Sun>