
Table of Contents


Links to Nabokov related sites of interest, from large hubs and academic journals to posts on minutiae.

Link Notes Tags Date
Nabokov-L PF Maud A note on the uncomfortable lines around 162. :PF: <2024-10-08 Tue>
PF: A gum-logged Aunt More disturbing resonances around the Aunt Maud theme from Nabokov-L mailing lists. :PF: <2024-10-08 Tue>
Ada Online Brian Boyd's extensive and ongoing annotations to Ada. :Ada: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Art of Translation - VN   :Nabokov: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Pale Fire Hypertext Archive   :Nabokov:PF: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Boyd - Lolita: What We Know and What We Don't   :Nabokov:Lolita: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Nabokovian   :Nabokov: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Genius and Plausibility   :Nabokov:PF: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Who Was Edmund Wilson?   :Nabokov: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon   :Nabokov:IB: <2020-09-13 Sun>
DeMoss - Sebastian Knight and the Critics   :Nabokov:RLSK: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Barabtarlo - The Man is the Book   :Nabokov:RLSK: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Connolly - The Challenge of Interpreting and Decoding Nabokov   :Nabokov:RLSK: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Long interview with Dmitri   :Nabokov: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Wings (Kuzmin)   :Nabokov: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Gleb Struve - Letter to the Editor   :Nabokov: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Galkovsky - Dostoyevsky and Nabokov   :Nabokov: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Dickens Society - DDN   :Nabokov: <2021-09-02 Thu>
DBJ-DVN mailing list beef 1/2   :Nabokov: <2021-09-02 Thu>
DBJ-DVN mailing list beef 2/2   :Nabokov: <2021-09-02 Thu>
The Defense's title "The [Luzhin] Defense" was created for a film tie-in. :Defense: <2024-10-08 Tue>
Roth: DVN on PF Authorship A brief history of DVN's hazy recollections. :PF: <2024-10-08 Tue>
Moody: Ardis remembered Suddenly, 100+ copy orders from '“Companies” with such murky names as “International Literary Associates”'! :Ardis: <2024-10-08 Tue>
Sebastian Knight and the Critics   :TRLSK: <2024-10-08 Tue>
Dorothy Parker's Lolita A drunk Edmund Wilson spills the beans on VN's work. :Lo: <2024-10-08 Tue>
Lolita Riddle archived website   :Lo: <2024-10-08 Tue>
Lolita Riddle 2010 Documentary Another memoryholed website. :Lo: <2024-10-08 Tue>
Владимир Набоков Russian site containing the full text of many Russian works and translations. :Nabokov: <2024-10-08 Tue>
Владимир Набоков: Шекспир   :Nabokov:Shakespeare: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Nabokov's Great Gay Comic Novel   :PF: <2024-10-09 Wed>
Zimmer - Lichberg myth Zimmer argues that Nabokov couldn't have known about the 1916 Lichberg story "Lolita" because, according to serial liar Nabokov, he did not read any German works or know German. :Lo: <2024-10-09 Wed>
1911 Kadet caricatures Including VDN and Milyukov   <2024-10-09 Wed>
Sonia Slonim     <2024-10-09 Wed>
Luzhin through the eyes of a chess player A chess player deduces that Nabokov's chess persona is mostly airs. :TheDefense: <2024-10-09 Wed>
Nabokov Wisconsin studies interview 1967     <2024-10-09 Wed>
Nabokov and Katharine White     <2024-10-09 Wed>


Link Notes Tags Date
Swedish Pop Mafia :music: How the Swedes ran (run) the music scene. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Ken Fritz's $1M Stereo [WaPo]   :Articles: <2024-06-25 Tue>
Morgan: Nabokov on Freudian Slips   :Nabokov: <2024-06-25 Tue>
Dieter Zimmer notes on PF   :Nabokov: <2024-06-25 Tue>
Gameboy Flash Cartridge Power Comparison   :gameboy: <2022-01-31 Mon>
Pierre François Lacenaire [Crime and Punishment]   :French: <2021-11-01 Mon>
Cold War Mosely   :history: <2021-10-21 Thu>
A nice intro to recognizing verse/prose in Shakespeare   :Shakespeare: <2021-10-14 Thu>
Dolinin - Parody in Despair   :Nabokov: <2021-10-13 Wed>
Tupac Isn't dead!!   :GeoCities: <2021-10-06 Wed>
NNT: theology and ideology   :phil: <2021-10-05 Tue>   :history: <2021-09-27 Mon>
Generate ASCII characters   :old-net: <2021-09-15 Wed>
Miller - Before Air Conditioning   :literature: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Symbolism of the Pelican   :phil: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Fascination   :phil: <2021-09-01 Wed>
The Vatican's Latinist   :phil: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Bulgarian and Macedonian   :language: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Ancient stone weights   :history: <2021-09-02 Thu>
American Green - Plain Green Lawns   :structure: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Venery is dumb     <2024-06-25 Tue>
Pamuk - Death of the Painter :Pamuk: Nabokov has his own section. <2024-10-08 Tue>
Wonder Book - Movies   The people who design the sterile bookshelves in the movies. <2024-10-08 Tue>
NY: Moncrieff and Proust :Proust: A prime example of cargo cult translation and apologetics. "Hurr durr it's actually better in English!" - Conrad <2024-10-08 Tue>
Huysmans dot Org :Huysmans: A site begun as a research resource by a prolific translator of J.K. Ha-Huysmans. <2024-10-08 Tue>
Gunduz Bey and His Sons :Pamuk: A rare chance to hear direcrly from Orhan's father, written around the time of The Black Book. <2024-10-08 Tue>
Searching for Friends in the Metaverse :VR: An excellent article about emaciated interactions in internet 3.0. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Dolan's top 10 no-talent 20th-c. writers   C.S. Lewis! <2024-10-09 Wed>
Turkish Alphabet pronunciation :Pamuk: I read a whole novel pronouncing everything wrong, and I regret it. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Shakespeare's Sonnets Online :Shakespeare: A great website with full annotated editions of these shitty sonnets. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Elder Edda - Voluspa :Tolkien: The names of nearly every dwarf in The Hobbit were lifted directly from the first few pages of the Elder Edda. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Elena Ferrante Ghostwriter Analysis   One of the most translated Italian female authors turns out to be a man's pseudonym. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Delbanco - Melville Biography :Melville: A biography of Melville by someone who is NOT Hershel Parker. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Harrison Hayford, Melville editor :Melville: Melville studies don, and Parker's advisor. The second generation Raymond Weaver. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Bootstrap Website Template :web: A silly site making fun of the modern web's terrible design. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Dolan - Heartbreaking Work Review   For a few years I conflated this review with his annihilation of "A Million Little Pieces". Although they're the same in the end. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Gnosticism and BM :BM:   <2024-10-09 Wed>
Cormac McCarthy’s Apocalypse :McCarthy: Unsurprisingly, the reclusive author turns out to have many interviews in the archive. <2024-10-09 Wed>
Beowulf Sheehan's photos of Cormac :McCarthy:   <2024-10-09 Wed>
I Went Through Cormac McCarthy’s Trash :McCarthy:   <2024-10-09 Wed>
Hollywood's Favorite Cowboy :McCarthy: Another interview about The Road. <2024-10-09 Wed>
iPod Video SSD Mod   :music: <2020-09-13 Sun>
RBY Mew distribution ROM     <2024-10-09 Wed>
Charles Wirgman He invented anime.   <2024-10-09 Wed>
Interview with Anne DeLisle Cormac's second wife :McCarthy: <2024-10-09 Wed>
Life and Death of Stefan Zweig     <2024-10-09 Wed>
The Big Five US Trade Book Publishers Wow, so many diverse publishers!   <2024-10-09 Wed>
САМУИЛ ЯКОВЛЕВИЧ МАРШАК     <2024-10-09 Wed>
Fish in Ancient Egypt   :antiquity: <2024-10-09 Wed>
50 Years of Beautiful Books Godine Press   <2024-10-09 Wed>
MousePrint Hunting shrinkflation.   <2024-10-09 Wed>
Valve - Flat Organization     <2024-10-09 Wed>
The four humours   :antiquity: <2024-10-09 Wed>
Orwell: ”You wouldn’t have the guts” This letter doesn't tend to make it into anthologies.   <2024-10-09 Wed>
Impurities in Damascus Steel     <2024-10-09 Wed>
Link Notes Tags Date
Early 2Ks anime geocities     <2024-10-09 Wed>
Tolkien estate wins lawsuits against fanfics   :Tolkien: <2024-10-09 Wed>
Tolkien's myth born in the trenches An excellent point is made that the Dunharrow men of the film did not evoke the dead of WW1. :Tolkien: <2024-10-09 Wed>
Judge rules in BYOB case   :SOAD: <2024-10-09 Wed>
May 13 2011 SOAD setlist   :SOAD: <2024-10-09 Wed>
SOAD collapse fan theory I have nothing to add and don't consider it a "theory". :SOAD: <2024-10-09 Wed>
Steely Dan lyrics page     <2024-10-09 Wed>
Samizdat Archive     <2024-10-09 Wed>
The Frasier Files Geocities site with a little bit too much information on Frasier.   <2024-10-09 Wed>
"Isle of the Cross" not convincing I'm sure Parker invented this. :Melville: <2024-10-09 Wed>
Real vs Fake Pyrex tl;dr - "Pyrex" is the company, "pyrex" might explode, "PYREX" is the real deal.   <2024-10-09 Wed>
water.css CSS styles for quick, nice websites.   <2024-10-09 Wed>


Link Notes Tags Date
John Boyd - OODA loop   :military:US: <2021-09-01 Wed>
US Army Ranks   :military: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Caro - My Search for Coke Stevenson   :US: <2021-09-02 Thu>


Link Notes Tags Date
The Kekule Problem   :McCarthy: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Suttree Cemetary   :McCarthy: <2021-08-22 Sun>
Finding Suttree in Knoxville   :McCarthy: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Bowling With Melville   :lit:Melville: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Melville and Stanwix   :literature:Melville: <2020-10-15 Thu>
Hershel Parker's Schizo Melville Blog   :lit:Melville: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Shakespeare's Sonnets   :lit:Shakespeare: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship   :lit:Shakespeare: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Recommended Editions of Shakespeare   :lit:Shakespeare: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Walter Minton Obituary   :lit: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Dante Online Princeton Project   :lit: <2020-09-13 Sun>
David Foster Wallace Warms Up   :lit:DFW: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Embattled Underground - CoL49 Review   :lit:Pynchon: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Book Seller Terminology   :books: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Coleridge - Phantom or Fact?   :lit:poetry: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Penguin / Oxford Book Cover Generator   :lit:books: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Hofmann Reviews 'The Whole Harmonium'   :lit:poetry: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Silliness of Looking for Symbolism in Literature   :lit: <2020-09-13 Sun>
POMO Article Generator   :lit: <2020-09-13 Sun>
David Foster Wallace's Pen Pal   :lit:DFW: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Harold Bloom's y2k Harry Potter Slam   :lit: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Digital Edition of Samuel Johnson's Dictionary   :lit: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Tengwar Guide   :lit:Tolkien: <2020-09-13 Sun>
y2k Dead Sea Scrolls - Forgeries   :history: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Isaiah Scroll   :history: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Clishmaklaver - Scottish   :language: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Aby Warburg's Mnemosyne Atlas   :history:art: <2020-09-13 Sun>
‘I’m coming, my Tetsie!’ - Samuel Johnson   :lit: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Rheol Poem   :lit:poems: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Orwell - Bookshop Memories   :lit: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Twain - Fenimore Cooper diss track   :literature: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Dryden - The Secular Masque   :poetry: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Miller - Before Air Conditioning   :literature: <2021-09-02 Thu>


Link Notes Tags Date
Hesiod Complete   :lit:classics: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Perseus Digital Library   :lit:classics: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Greek and Roman Authors   :lit:classics: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Pleiades Map of Ancient World   :lit:classics: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Editio Princeps   :classics: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Yale - Intro to Ancient Greek History   :classics: <2020-09-13 Sun>


Link Notes Tags Date
Baudelaire - Convalescent Flaneur   :French: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Dmitri Galkovsky Livejournal   :Russian: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The All-Joking, All-Drunken Synod of Fools and Jesters   :Russia: <2020-09-13 Sun>  
Doctor Zhivago Glows   :Russia: <2021-08-26 Thu>
Письма Достоевского   :Dostoyevsky: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Belinsky   :Russia: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Tolstoy on Shakespeare   :Shakespeare:Tolstoy: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Yuri Knozorov   :Russia: <2021-09-01 Wed>
LRB - Mirsky   :Russia: <2021-09-01 Wed>
The Skoptsy   :Russia: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Gogol's Preface to Dead Souls   :lit:Russian: <2020-09-13 Sun>


Link Notes Tags Date
Justin Guitar Homepage   :guitar: <2020-09-13 Sun>
K-On! Discography   :K:On: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Adaptive Pitch Test   :sound: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Fuctory / Euro King Discography "Euro Diva Jennifer." :music: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Euro Diva Jennifer Discography   :music: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Find a Song's Key From Its Chords   :music: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Live Nirvana Tour History   :Nirvana: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Date A Fender Guitar By Serial Number   :guitar: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Western Music Genre Map   :music: <2020-09-13 Sun>
System of a Down 2011.05.13 Setlist   :SOAD: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Why I Ripped the Same CD 300 Times   :music: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Shepard Tone - Endless Descent / Ascent Auditory Illusion   :sound: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Missing Fundamental   :sound: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Missing Fundamentals - Periodicity and Pitch   :sound: <2020-09-13 Sun>
How a Guitar Maker Started Rocking Back in the U.S.S.R.   :guitar: <2020-09-13 Sun>
RockBox projects   :music: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Soundgarden - 1994 interview   :music: <2021-09-02 Thu>


Link Notes Tags Date
うける Explanation   :Japanese: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Ox40 Visualizer   :music:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Xorberax Visualizer   :music:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Hiroyuki Vocaloid DB   :vocaloid: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Nyanpasu   :anime: <2021-09-01 Wed>
In Ghostly Japan   :Japan: <2021-09-02 Thu>


Link Notes Tags Date
Cinderella Girls Card Database (gamedbs)   :imas: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Million Live! GREE Database   :imas: <2020-09-13 Sun>
iDOLM@STER MAD World Service Archive   :imas: <2020-09-13 Sun>
iM@S Wiki RIP old imas wiki :imas: <2020-09-13 Sun>
iM@S 2 Hyper Mode Guide   :imas: <2020-09-13 Sun>
iM@S 1 Cabinet Flash Demo {Dead}   :imas: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Million Live! Theater Days Card Database   :imas: <2020-09-13 Sun>
iM@S 2 Guide Translation   :imas: <2020-09-13 Sun>
2013 imas blog   :imas: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Binding Theater Days   :imas: <2021-09-01 Wed>
CGSS - Autocombo team builder     <2024-10-09 Wed>


Link Notes Tags Date
DDR Song List and Difficulties   :game: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Stepmania Online Homepage   :game: <2020-09-13 Sun>
GoodTools Emu Packages   :game: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Robotics Society - Gameboy Camera Aperture   :game:gameboy: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Gameboy Camera with Professional Lens   :game:gameboy: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Gameboy Color Tech Specs Wiki   :game:gameboy: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Gameboy Emulation   :game:gameboy: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Nintendo Model Numbers Database   :game:gameboy: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Gameboy JP Official Site   :game:gameboy: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Nintendo Serial Codes   :game:gameboy: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Cutting Room Floor - Game Data Dumps   :game: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Final Fantasy VIII Ultimecia Translation   :game:FF: <2020-10-07 Wed>
Gameboy battery life comparison   :gameboy: <2020-11-05 Thu>
GB ID database   :gameboy: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Bahamut Lagoon fan translation   :game: <2021-09-02 Thu>
GameBoy programming for beginners   :gameboy: <2021-09-02 Thu>
Old Pokemon book snippets   :Pokemon: <2021-09-02 Thu>
3DS CFW guide Super easy. Everyone should do it.   <2024-10-09 Wed>
Pikachu 2 GS early guide An example of the old web.   <2024-10-09 Wed>
Spotting fake GameBoy games     <2024-10-09 Wed>
Stolen images in games     <2024-10-09 Wed>
Behind BeForU, Konami's Forgotten Pop Idol Group     <2024-10-09 Wed>
GameBoy sound hardware     <2024-10-09 Wed>
Sonic 3 Complete Romhack There's a customizer, so you can make your ideal version.   <2024-10-09 Wed>

Website Inspo

Link Notes Tags Date
Jim Rees Famous Ancient Website   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Jodi Site - Awesome Schizo Site   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Another Schizo Site   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Make Frontend Shit Again Party   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Wlog Clean Blog Layout   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Cameron's World Geocities Celebration   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Geocities GIF Scraper   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Geocities GIF Search Engine   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Better Website Simple CSS Philosophy   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Tokyo Geocities index   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Old internet buttons   :GeoCities: <2021-08-26 Thu>
Obscuro website   :GeoCities: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Japanese game guide with clean layout   :website: <2021-09-01 Wed>
Peelo Paalu Link Directory   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
KOLEOSIS THE DISEASED     <2024-10-09 Wed>


Link Notes Tags Date
Shakespeare Biography   :GeoCities:Shakespeare: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Happy Phantom's Tablature Page   :GeoCities:music: <2020-09-13 Sun>
John Malone Homepage   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Evangelion Fanfiction Page   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) Homepage   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Krill's Killer {game} Walkthroughs   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
WorldWide Chatters Guild   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Ferrari Fan Page   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Cheri - Stagnating in Baltimore   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Pigmon's Page (jp)   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Sailor Khyron's Page   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Sunny Spot Hopepage   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Sailor Moon Fanpage   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Scythe99's Anime Archive   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Cosplay Directory (Old Cons!)   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Hello Kitty Fanpage   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Pokemon 1999 Fanpage   :GeoCities:pokemon: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Pokemon Addict's Webring   :GeoCities:pokemon: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Mew's Pokemon Extreme   :GeoCities:pokemon: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Angelfire - Pokemon Fanpage   :GeoCities:pokemon: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Nike Air Jordan's Fanpage (jp)   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Anime Backgrounds Center   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Takashi's Japan Photography   :GeoCities:Japan: <2020-09-13 Sun>
James' HomePage   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Anime Page of Cute   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Ranma 1/2 Fansite   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Another Sailor Moon Page   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Laputa Fansite   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Welcome to Nico's Homepage   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Wonderland of Katherine   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
AnimeExpress   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Anime Icon Archive   :GeoCities:anime: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Tommy's Playground (front page only)   :GeoCities: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Final Fantasy VIII Fansite   :GeoCities:game: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Pokemon World News   :GeoCities:pokemon: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Nirvana Fansite   :GeoCities: <2021-09-02 Thu>

201X Link Archive

Link Notes Tags Date
HACKER $AMMi   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Shark Clicker   :game: <2021-09-01 Wed>
coalgirls   :anime: <2021-09-02 Thu>

200X Link Archive

Link Notes Tags Date
Bob and George   :game: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Homestar Runner   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Nuklear Power   :game: <2020-09-13 Sun>
MMPU Master Level List   :game: <2020-09-13 Sun>
GEWar Users   :game: <2020-09-13 Sun>
JSPaint In Browser   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Falling, Falling (Shepard Tone Demo)   :sound:fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Yeah Lemons   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
The Finger   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Bury Me With My Money   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Eel Slap   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Koalas to the Max   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Staggering Beauty (Epilepsy)   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Inception Button   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Craigslist - My Little Nazi Dolls   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Matrix Digital Rain   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Ninja Flex   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Pointer Pointer   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Pixels Fighting   :physics:fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Serebii Homepage   :game:Pokemon: <2020-09-13 Sun>
Dooku Dot Net   :fun: <2020-09-13 Sun>